Saturday, January 23, 2010

Five reasons why you should have reservations to Cafe Carlo tonight

They are:
1.Consistent: Each dish is prepared the same way every time.
2.Experienced: The servers are attentive, friendly and professional. Things like proper wine service and impeccable timing between your starters, salads, entrees and desserts can be expected.
3.Reasonable: Dinner entrees range between $20-30, which isn’t exactly inexpensive; however everything is made from scratch with good quality ingredients – there are no pre-made sauces at this place. Plus, the portion sizes are huge.
4.Intimate: The restaurant’s dimly lit lights and sprawled out tables create a very romantic and private atmosphere – the perfect place for an anniversary dinner or first date.
5.Delicious: Eating at Café Carlo is like eating rich homemade food – but the kind you never have because it takes all day to cook.

For more information about Café Carlo visit

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Not exactly bang on

I feel bad, but I cannot eagerly promote Bangkok Thai. I’ve been dying to try the place for some time and I finally got to, only to be disappointed.

However, Bangkok Thai, located on the 2nd floor of the Second Cup building in Osborne Village, is great in some ways. For example the atmosphere is relaxing and spacious, thus great for large dinner parties. Also the lighting is nice, dimly lit, and features warm colours such as deep reds and yellows, making it a romantic place to bring a date. And overall, Bangkok is a comfortable restaurant to be in.

The service as well is excellent. They are very attentive –a little on the shy side, but that’s okay because you don’t want aggressive servers trying to up-sell. And all of them knew plenty about the menu and could offer recommendations, which is a bonus considering Bangkok has quite an extensive list of items to choose from (at least 40 I would say).

The problem though is their food, which really is a problem considering that’s ultimately what people are coming for. The curried dishes, for example, aren’t very curry-like. They almost have a soapy taste –too much ginger perhaps? And the potatoes in one dish were quite over done, making it seem like they had been pre-cooked and then reheated. The summer rolls lacked in flavour and were bogged down in lettuce but the peanut sauce was nice and sweet. However, once the sauce ran out, and there wasn’t much sauce for four large summer rolls, you were back to the lettuce. Finally, the pad thai, an item they have listed as a specialty, was disappointing in that the noodles were awkwardly chewy, giving the dish an all around gummy texture.

Nevertheless, the prices are reasonable, around $10 per dish, so if you’re looking for an inexpensive quick bite to eat then I would suggest you try the place. In fact they were quite busy, primarily with large dinner parties, and it seemed as though the people weren’t new to the place, so if they can keep regulars then why not try Bangkok right?

But in general, I probably wouldn’t go there again. If you’re in the Village and looking for some Thai food, I hear Sukhothai is best. (Sorry Bangkok.)

The effort was there, I'm just not the right audience

Theatre Projects Manitoba’s In the chamber 2010: Last Men came and went this past weekend. And thank goodness it went.


Was a question half the audience could be heard muffling to one another throughout the two hour production, directed by Sarah Constible, Friday night.

The other half of the sold out audience, however, continued to laugh hysterically throughout Gordon Tanner and Steven Ratzlaff’s monologues: Last Man in Krakendorf and Last Man in Puntarenas.

The first half of the audience at Friday’s show was a group of 18-25 year-old Creative Communications students who know little about two heavily political subjects: hog farming and the Health Science Centre’s pediatric coronary surgery inquest of the 1990’s. Heck I was practically born in the 1990’s, so needless to say right off the bat that In the Chamber’s target audience was definitely not my age category.

The subject matter was so intense, I felt dumb being there.

Last Man in Krakendorf, part one of the two part play, was written and performed by Gordon Tanner. It opened with a graphic depiction of a man with an erection dreaming in bed. A female was by his side “taking care of business for him” and then quickly left never to be seen again. My first what question.

The set was simple and clear, however, leaving no questions; it was a hotel room. It had a beige backdrop, a double bed to the left with beige sheets, a small night table with a lamp and a red phone and a small table and red chair to the right.

Tanner, who played a 40 something Richard Gere look-a-like agricultural engineer for Agrotech, was exited. His plan was to film a video of himself explaining his concerns with hog farming to Warren Buffet –the head of a hog farming company in Iowa. His character was zany, anal, anxious and short attention spanned.

The character’s short attention span was my second problem with Tanner’s 50 minute monologue. Because the character drifted in and out of focus (at one point he stopped to eat and spoke about the sauce in his food) of his message to Buffet, it made it hard for listeners to follow the point of the story because we were constantly trying to censor where the breaks in the conversations were.

To top off the censoring, we quite literally had to censor Tanner’s language. The monologue was so bogged down in ‘shits’ and ‘fucks’ that we had to continuously filter them out in our heads just to get to the point. But I will admit the swearing and breaks in the conversation did fit the character’s wacky personality flawlessly.

And flawlessly the character was played. Near the beginning of the monologue Tanner pronounced ‘rival’ rev-elle and, still, I’m not sure if it was his own slip up or if it was the characters. Overall Tanner’s character was well played as he was heard clearly from the audience, his pitch fluctuated dramatically, and his body was continuously pacing and flailing about in his wild rant giving the audience something exciting to watch.

The overall subject matter was the only thing that I felt confused about while watching The Last Man in Krakendorf.

Part two of In the Chamber, Last Man in Puntarenas, was written and performed by Steven Ratzlaff, a character who holds a retirement party for himself at a restaurant where he prepares a long winded speech for his guests who slowly leave throughout.

The main problem with Ratzlaff’s speech is that it was purposely made (by Ratzlaff) to bore his guests, making me wonder why I paid to listen to a ‘boring’ speech. It seemed Ratzlaff’s intention with the boring speech idea, however, was to make it interesting by really dramatizing it. But, although Ratzlaff was a great actor in his 50 minute skit, he lacked action, thus failing his mission. There was nothing to watch, only a dramatic voice to hear which unfortunately caused many heads to nod off.

Last Man in Puntarenas was flat and difficult to follow.

But then again, what do I know about these plays? I’m just one of those 20 something-year-olds who doesn’t get ‘grown-up talk’.

And I’m certain I didn’t get the ‘grown-up talk’ because the rest of the non-CreComm-35+ audience was laughing hysterically.

(All photos courtesy of

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Dining Do's and Don'ts when in NYC

DO stop at as many restaurants and bars for drinks or appetizers before your final dinner destination. The amount of restaurants in NYC is overwhelming and all of them are spectacular – this strategy ensures you get the most out of NYC’s nightlife.

DON’T go to Carnegie Deli and sit next to a woman named Celeste. If you do, you’ll understand why I don’t need to explain.

DO go to Carnegie Deli and order a giant sandwich. The novelty of the sandwich is exciting and it will be so filling that you’ll be set for a day of shopping – another NYC must.

DON’T go to Gospel Uptown in Harlem for brunch. Unless you like fried chicken for breakfast followed by red velvet cake, save your reservations for dinner when it’s likely to be busier and when you can catch the gospel singing performance.

DO visit Caracas in Greenwich Village and try their Argentinean arepas (like a small soft taco). I recommend ‘La Mulata’ which has grilled white cheese, jalapenos, peppers, fried plantains and black beans – it’s spicy enough to keep your lips burning but luckily the sweet plantains are there to cool off your tongue…a little.

DON’T listen to your hotel concierge if he or she advises you to eat at Ray’s Pizza. The meat was questionable and the next morning our friend became quite ill (although we have no proof her sickness was due to the pizza). To sum up our experience Ace Burpee called the pizza “a major fail.”

DO visit the Blue Ribbon restaurant in Soho and try the beef marrow and oxtail marmalade appetizer and the barbequed ribs appetizer. I made the mistake of not trying the beef marrow but it received rave reviews around the table. The barbequed ribs were sweet, tender and literally melted in your mouth – plus it came with its own campfire in the event you need to reheat anything!

DON’T get stuck in a snow storm in Times Square. You’ll never find a cab willing to take you to your restaurant of choice, thus leaving you one option: drinks, drinks, and more drinks – possibly on an empty stomach too!

DO budget for expensive meals. They’re worth it and you’re in NYC baby, so live it up like you’re loaded!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Money well spent?

Monday was my birthday and my sister's boyfriend Ryan got me a gift certificate to my favourite breakfast restaurant: the Falafel Place. But this isn't just any ordinary gift certificate, you see I'm not entirely sure that it's legit...then again the story behind it doesn't surprise me as Ami (the owner) has a pretty laid back way of running the show over there, so I'm sure the gift certificate will work out just fine when I go to use it. Nevertheless, I've decided to recount Ryan's story that continues to humour me today.

Ryan's experience with Ami:

Ryan enters the Falafel Place which is likely bustling with eager customers awaiting their food, cooks cracking eggs at a rapid pace, and Ami --probably found wearing his chef's hat chatting with customers and making friends or shouting at the top of his lungs: "Okay, who's leaving?".

Ryan walks up to the counter . Ami greets Ryan at the counter. Ryan asks Ami for one gift certificate worth twenty-five dollars. A simple task right? Surely one assumes that most restaurants have an organized little book of gift certificates somewhere near the cash desk. Apparently not at the Falafel Place. To me, Ami's next move seems to capture the mood of the Falafel Place to a tee.

Ami turns his head both ways in search of a gift certificate and spots one stuck to the wall. He pulls it off, writes $25 on it and hands it to Ryan.

Ryan then says: "Uh, will this work? It says 'void' across the gift certificate."
Ami replies: "Oh right."

He then takes back the gift certificate and writes "un" before the void and hands it back to Ryan who shrugs his shoulders and leaves.

Oh how I love the Falafel Place!